#9: Join Project 365 and take a photo a day for a year

Why it’s on the list: OK maybe this one is a bit of a cheat. I have already joined Project 365 – which encourages you to take a photo every day and post it online – basically I decided I couldn’t wait till April 10th to start so I began in January! However, I have sometimes forgotten and had to backtrack to fill in the gaps … This will challenge me to actually TAKE a photo every day!

How/when I’ll judge this task to be completed: When my Project 365 page shows an unbroken 365 days photos at some point from April 10th 2010 onwards.

Hmm struggling with this one a bit. Started on my birthday, 5th Jan 2010, and did really well for about 4 months. Then missed a few weeks. Then caught up, more or less, then went on holiday and missed lots. About to update as much as I can but I know there will be gaps. Also broke my iphone in all that so had no instant means of taking photos on the spot … but I’ve got  new one so no excuse there. Will try again! At some point in this 1001 days I WILL have an unbroken stream of 365 photos, I promise!

Did this on and off through 2011 but didn’t managed to get every day and missed full weeks and months at times. Aargh! So I’ve started again, with a brand new album – the 2012 album is here . So far, so good! I’ve also downloaded a 365 project app (no relation) for my phone, which will hopefully remind me to take pictures!

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