About Me


Fifty-something woman fumbling her way through life.  Redundant mum, new nanny, book worm, curry lover, wine drinker, writer, doodler, would-be rock chick, creative spirit, part Romany, slightly odd!

I’m an exported Londoner who finds herself in Gloucester via Harrow, Hounslow, Hampshire, Oxfordshire and Portugal. The most exciting part of that was my three and a half years in Portugal, living first in a caravan on my friend’s permaculture farm, then in a  little cottage in the mountains, and finally in a gorgeous cabin within view of mainland Portugal’s highest mountain range. I’ve written quite extensively about my time there, and you’ll find all those articles here.

Since 2009 I have worked as The Proof Fairy, a magical creature better known for proofreading, editing, coaching and book formatting than for flying. I’m also a keen but sporadic writer and have published a handful of books: The Boy From Hell, about raising a child with ADHD; What’s Your Story?, a guide to writing a memoir or non-fiction book; and an erotic novella, the details of which shall remain a secret!

Back in 2015-16, I visited the “Jungle” refugee camp in Calais over a dozen times. it was a depressing, inspiring, life-changing experience and I have written about it extensively here.

I’m about to embark on my next challenge: an MA in Contemporary Creative Writing with Northeastern University London. I’m hoping this will not only benefit my business but also encourage me to do more writing myself! I have tried my hand at a novel (in the final editing stages), and some short stories/flash fiction, which I’ve shared on this site – you’ll find those here.

Aside from writing, I enjoy DDP Yoga; eating out; photography; motorsports, especially Formula One; coffee and cake; crafting like a six-year-old; reading; drinking tea; fish, cats and dogs; walks on the beach; and spending time with family and friends.

So this is my blog, and you may enter at your own risk – but whatever you do, don’t expect any pearls of wisdom here. Instead, prepare to read a random collection of observations, thoughts and downright nonsensical drivel about the fairly mundane life of a woman frantically trying to deny she’s now in mid life. Call it a crisis …

You might also find the occasional review – and I also write about all the exciting things my 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge involves.

I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I do!

3 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. re my-hermes you don’t live in the abingdon area do you?

  2. Not far off … but my issue wasn’t with the courier at my end but at the recipient’s end, which was in Ireland.

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