#65: Watch the sun set and rise (or rise and set) in the same 24 hours COMPLETED

Why it’s on the list: Just sounds like a really cool thing to do!

How/when I’ll judge this task to be completed: When I have, indeed, seen the sun rise and set, or set and rise, witin the same 12ish hours

I made a special effort to wake up early to watch the sun rise over the mountains of Saudi Arabia,across the water from where we were staying in Dahab. Though I was very sleepy, it was a magical moment when the first glimmer of the sun peeked over the mountains and then, as if being pulled on a piece of thread, rose majestically into the sky.

Now I’m going to cheat slight here …. we spent every evening sitting in Bedouin Corner, supping a beer and watching the sun set behind the mountains on our side of the Red Sea. But typically, on the day I got up early to watching the sun rise, it was quite dull, cloudy and a tad chilly at teatime so we didn’t get to see the sun set – clouds over the mountain obscuring the view – but I did see it the night before, which was 14 (well, okay, 25) hours before ….. so that’s good enough for me!

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