My iphone – fun and games!

OK so I’ve had my iPhone a couple of weeks now … and I have to say I love it. In fact, I love it so much that I’ve bought a snazzy purple case and screen protectors to make sure I don’t damage it – because I’m not the most careful of people. I love the ease with which I can check both my work and home emails, and I love being able to get to Twitter and Facebook quickly through their apps (I use Echofon for Twitter at the mo.) I like the way the text messages are displayed, in conversational threads, and I love the fast smooth scrolling of the screen.  I’ve also been having fun downloading apps!

All but one of the apps I’ve tried so far have been free – good job given that someone told me that downloading every app would cost around $3million! I’m amazed at the variety and quality of most ( but not all) of them. So far I’ve enjoyed playing with games like Bubble Wrap and Mancala, the demo of Angry Birds, VoicePlus (voice changer) as well as useful things like AllAround, iFootie, the F1 app and the Independent newspaper. Having the Sky+ app is also fab as I can set my box to record wherever I am!

However, I have two clear favourites at the moment – MoreLomo and Geocaching and I’m going to do a little review of each in the next posts.  I may well add further reviews as I get to play with more apps.

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