Joggler – special offer

A while ago I blogged about the O2 Joggler, which is basically an electronic noticeboard that connects to the internet via wifi and has news headlines, traffics, weather, internet radio etc as well as being a calendar and digital photo frame. I was interested in the concept but not the price … plus it wasn’t perfect, not by a long way.

Anyway, t0day O2 were twittering about opening an App Store for the Joggler – which includes such things as a Google Calendar as well as other bits and pieces. They also mentioned that for 2 weeks it’s on special offer, just £49.99 (it was £150 when I blogged about it before!) So, after ascertaining that this WASN’T an April Fool I’ve decided to treat myself and get one. Of course, they could be flogging them off cheap because they’re a complete failure – lots of reviews say great concept, badly carried out – but for fifty quid it’s worth a punt. Will keep you posted.

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