Updates on my 101 things list

Well I haven't crossed anything else off the list yet but I have made headway in a couple of things.

#56 Cook a soufflé, a fondant and beef Wellington. Two out of three can be crossed off, just the beef to go! I cook Steve a three course meal as a belated Valentines treat and did a Stilton soufflé and chocolate fondant. (I decided fillet beef was too expensive this week so did belly pork instead … Nom not!)

The soufflé was a big success … It took twice as long as the recipe said, and flopped slightly as I took it out of the oven, but the texture was interesting and the flavour was really good. ill definitely bake it again – and maybe even try different soufflés!

And the fondant …. Well, I had major technical issues as the whisk attachment kept falling off the electric hand blender and flying off across the kitchen, and the handle then fell off the balloon whisk .. I ended up doing it in the food processor, by which time the eggs had been sitting in hot water for ages and were probably cooked. So it was a bit of a disaster really, but I did bake a fondant pudding, and it tasted a lot better than it look!

#15: Write and publish my own book. Having started my book back in November I sat on it for a while, but decided to get it finished last week and wrote 10,000 words in a day! The weekend saw me tweaking the content and adding more, bringing the book up to a very respectable (for non-fiction) 33,000 words. Also organised a Facebook virtual launch, got a cover designed and put together a website. The book launches on Amazon on 6th April and I've got 4 pre-orders already!

#101 Change my name. Following my previous post I've actually decided that though I like the sound of Alison Cornelius it's not me, so I will be returning to my maiden name, Alison Thompson. The first use of it is on the cover of my book …


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One thought on “Updates on my 101 things list”

  1. Hi Alison, saw your message on FB re a pound from friends (via Lisa ‘s page). Had no way of contacting you but would be more than happy to ‘give’ to help this….not too sure how to achieve this, but seeing Lisa on Saturday and happy to leave monies with her…..let me know. Xx

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